Your support makes a difference.

Annual Membership

Being a Nahant Preservation Trust member supports all of our initiatives. Membership in the Trust is open to all. We appreciate all those who are interested in supporting our preservation and conservation projects. Help us preserve our unique town and join the Trust today.

$25 - Individual
$40 - Family
$100 - Supporter
$250 - Sponsor
$500 - Patron
$1,000 - Angel

Annual Membership

Nahant Preservation Trust

Your dedicated support makes all of our efforts possible. Your generosity will help us to protect Nahant’s open spaces and historic buildings for future generations.

Donate to NPT

Commemorative Bricks

Here is a chance to donate toward a tangible piece of Nahant’s heritage - and have your contribution remembered. Your brick will be placed with others on the walkway of the former Valley Road School, now the Nahant Community Center. These bricks are permanent symbols of the community spirit of the people of Nahant.


The Nahant Preservation Trust is a registered 501(c) 3 non-profit and all donations are tax deductible as appropriate. To make donations by mail, make checks payable to the Nahant Preservation Trust to PO Box 30, Nahant, MA. 01908